Montclair NAACP Officers:

President: Diane Tyree-Anglin
1st Vice President: Joseph Davis
2nd Vice President:  Roger S. Terry, Sr.
3rd Vice President: 
Treasurer: Marcia Brewington
Assistant Treasurer: Lois Donegan
Secretary: Beverly Bussey
Assistant Secretary:  

Montclair NAACP Executive Committee:

Marcia Almeida
Rosita Dotson
Madeline Gale
Bernard Hamilton

James E. Harris

Tinu Joseph 
LaNa Jules
Michelet Jules
Deirdre Malloy
Kariana Mora-Lloyd
Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael
William Scott
Karen Thompson
Lt. Tyrone Williams


Committee Chairs

Armed Services & Veteran’s Affairs:  Lt. Tyrone Williams
Community Coordination: Diane Anglin
Communication, Press, and Publicity:  
Criminal Justice:  
Economic Development: Deirdre Malloy
Education Committee: LaNa Jules
Freedom Fund: Beverly Bussey
Health: Rosita Dotson
Housing: William Scott
Labor and Industry: Michelet Jules
Legal Redress:  Marcia Almeida
Membership: Karen Thompson
Political Action: Bernard Hamilton
Religious Affairs: Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael
Women In NAACP (WIN):  
Youth Council: Tinu Joseph
Montclair State University: Kariana Mora-Lloyd

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